Tuesday, 10 February 2009


I've become acquainted with an American artist - Andrew Perry Davis. His work really clicks with me and his paintings are stunning. I'm sure he's going to be big one day. Andrew's work hits that dark / puerile spot that I tend to hang around in a lot. Click on the title of this blog to go to Andrew's blog.

 I think that early American animation has a lot to answer for (not that Disney crap, but the Felix The Cats and the Max Fleischers  and Tex Averys of this world)-I certainly have a deep affection for it- especially those old cartoons set in shops where the objects inside all come alive at night and move in their bouncy manner - all scary and funny at the same time.  A while back, Turner edited all the cigarette  smoking shots out from old Tom & Jerry cartoons. Fucking puritanical assholes. High School  Musical is 20 times more offensive in my opinion but I won't spoil my evening by going on about it.

Please check out Andrew's work. It's the product of a dark genius.

Friday, 6 February 2009


Lately I've begun to focus more on the puerile side of things. Rude words, crappy scribblings, lewd imagery and bad grammar. a few pics of new stuff here, you wankers.:

top: "UP YOURS"


Thursday, 5 February 2009

In a hole

Still feeling pretty low at the moment. Brain fog isn't very inspiring. will have photos of new work soon. 
Sentences. Getting. Shorter. Franz Ackerman will help....

Wednesday, 4 February 2009


I'm broke. It's hard to work when you're worried about money. I recently got a hold of a bunch of random picture frames which i'll be doing stuff with soon. I have 10 canvases ina box waiting for me to get busy with, but I'm just not in the right frame of mind. I did, however, bring a squash to life last night before going to bed. maybe I could vandalise fruit. That'll bring the cash rolling in.